







     中国人民大学环境学院院长,教授,博士生导师。环保部科技委委员,农业部农业环境保护、监测与科学研究所顾问,《自然资源学报》编委,《中国环境科学》编委,《生态经济》编委,美国未来资源研究所 (RFF)研究员。研究方向为环境和自然资源经济评价、环境政策和环境管理的经济手段。主持国家级重点项目和省部级项目50多个,比如,主持“中国环境税收体系研究”国家社科基金重大项目(2009-2012);主持水环境保护价格与税费政策示范研究”,国家水体污染控制科技重大专项2008-2010主持“中外节能管理体制比较研究”,中国发改委和美国能源基金会项目2008-2009),等等。主编《环境经济研究进展》、《二氧化硫排放交易—中国的可行性》、《总量控制与排污权交易》等著作多部,发表中文、英文论文100多篇。


Environmental Economic Impact Assessment in China: Problems and Prospects. H. Lindhjem, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol 27, Issue 1, 2007: 1-25.

Emergency planning and response for accidental release of water pollutants in China : lessons from the Songhuajiang River incident (English&Chinese), Report No. 40758,Working Paper, the World Bank, 2007.

Role of Government in Protecting Natural Heritage: Case of China 's National Nature Reserves. H. JobJianxin Li (Ed.). Natural Heritage, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Potentials and Pitfalls for China . (Muenchner Studien zur Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeographie Bd.45). Regensburg: Verlag Michael Lassleben Kallmunz. (ISBN 3 7847 6545 9). 2006: P119-124(Wu Jian, Ma Zhong, Wen Feng) .

Poverty–environment links in the wetlands of Sanjiang Plain, People’s Republic of China . Steele, P, G. Oviedo, and D.McCauley (Eds.) 2006. Poverty, Health, and  Ecosystems: Experience from Asia, IUCN, Gland , Switzerland and Cambridge , UK and Asian Development Bank, Manila , Philippines (Ma Zhong,Wu Jian ,Leo Horn). 

Evaluation of the implementation of water pollution prevention and control plans in China : the case of Huai River Basin (English&Chinese), Report No. 46915,Working Paper, the World Bank, 2006.






中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所副所长,研究员,博士生导师,中国数量经济学会常务副理事长,中国循环经济与环境评估预测研究中心主任,《数量经济技术经济研究》编委,北京交通大学等多所大学客座教授,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。代表性研究成果主要有:《技术创新—国家系统的改革与重组》;《技术进步与产业结构》系列专著三部;《技术进步与经济效益》;《技术市场》;《产业政策与经济增长》;《21世纪中国经济大趋势》;《知识经济与管理》;《中国循环经济发展报告》等。在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》等权威刊物发表论文近百篇。主持和参与完成国家级重点课题十余项。1990年和1996年两次作为主要研究者获得国家科技进步二等奖。齐建国教授的主要研究领域为技术创新经济学、经济分析与预测、环境经济。在技术创新经济学研究领域,在国内率先研究国家技术创新系统,1995年首次在国内发表《技术创新-国家系统的改革与重组》一书,填补了国内对国家技术创新系统研究在专著领域的空白。书中提出的改革思路大部分已经成为现实。如改革国家政府中按行业设置的部委机构,取消大部分国家行业部委等建议,已经成为事实。齐建国教授提出的新技术扩散中的生产者剩余(企业效益)递减,消费者剩余递增的原理,解释了新技术扩散加速的现实。 近年来,齐建国教授在环境技术创新、循环经济、低碳经济等领域取得了一系列成果。


教育部长江学者特聘教授,四川大学工商管理学院教授委员会主席兼副院长,博士生导师,四川大学低碳技术与经济工程研究中心常务副主任,四川大学文科综合实验教学国家级示范中心主任,四川大学管理科学与工博士后流动站站长,国际系统与控制科学院终身院士。国际管理科学与工程管理联合会主席,International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management主编;中国系统工程学会副理事长,《系统工程理论与实践》副主编。

主持过国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家社科基金重大招标项目等科研项目50余项;获国际运筹学进展奖,部省级一、二、三等奖项17次。在The International Journal of Management SciencesInternational Journal of Emergency ManagementIEEE Transaction on Fuzzy SystemsInformation SciencesExpert Systems with ApplicationsInternational Journal of Production EconomicsHuman and Ecological Risk AssessmentComputers & Industrial EngineeringJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingAnnals of Operations ResearchInternational Journal of Environment and PollutionInternational Journal of Information and Management SciencesMathematical Analysis and Applications40余家国际学术杂志和100余家国内学术期刊上发表论文360余篇,SCISSCIEI检索论文150余篇;在Springer、科学出版社、高等教育出版社、经济管理出版社等出版著作30余部。


Research Fellow

Dr. Chen Gang is now Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. He studied international relations and obtained his Ph.D. degree at the China Foreign Affairs University. He is the single author of the book The Kyoto Protocol and International Cooperation against Climate Change (Beijing: Xinhua Press, 2008). His research papers have appeared in refereed journals such as The Chinese Journal of International Politics, The Journal of East Asian Affairs, American Studies Quarterly, Journal of China Foreign Affairs University and the International Forum. His research interests include China's domestic politics and foreign policy, environmental governance, international relations and transnational cooperation against climate change.

Chi-Wei Su
Assistant Professor

Chi-Wei Su, the Assistant Professor in the Department of International Trade,Tamkang University. He held a Bachelor degree in Economics from National Chung Hsing University, a Master degree in Accounting from National Cheng Kung University, and a Doctoral degree (1994) in Finance from Feng Chia University.  From 2006 to 2010, his main research interest was Applied Econometric Time Series Analysis. Recently, focus most on the issue of International Finance. In the 4 years, he has written over 50 papers and has published over 40 articles in a number of journals including SSCI indexed journal.


Some important papers

Hsu-Ling Chang and Chi-Wei Su, 2010, “The Relationship between Vietnamese Stock Market and its Major Trading Partners – TECM with Bivariate Asymmetric GARCH Model” , Applied Economics Letters, 17, 13, 1279-1283. (ECON-LIT, SSCI)


Chi-Wei Su and Hsu-Ling Chang, 2010, “Asymmetric Adjustment in the Lending-Deposit Rate Spread: Evidence from Eastern European Countries”, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 13, 2, 165-175. (ECON-LIT, SSCI)


Chi-Wei Su, Hsu-Ling Chang, Meng-Nan Zhu and Pei Liu, 2010, “Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity and Asymmetric Adjustment in BRICs”, Applied Economics Letters, 17, 11, 1083-1087. (ECON-LIT, SSCI)


Hsu-Ling Chang and Chi-Wei Su, 2010, “Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity for Major OPEC Countries: Evidence based on Non-linear Panel Unit-root Tests”, Applied Economics Letters, 17, 11, 1119-1123. (ECON-LIT, SSCI)


Yan Min-Ren
Assistant Professor

Ph.D, Assistant Professor of the Department of International Business Administration at Chinese Culture University (SCE), Taipei, Taiwan.  Dr. Yan is concurrently the leader of the research lab in Project Business Economics and Decision Models, the deputy director of Quality Centre for Teaching and Learning, and a business consultant in web technology, marketing, and services industries.  His research interests focus on intelligent decision models, project business economics, game theoretic analysis, and strategic alliances.  The research results have been published in many international scholarly journal papers and received several academic honors such as Affiliated Scholar Award and research funding from National Science Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, the Annual Outstanding Research Paper Award from Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineers, and the Best Conference Paper Award in Government Procurement and Public Private Partnership.


Some important papers


Lo, W., Lin, C.L., Yan, M.R.,2007, Contractor's Opportunistic Bidding Behavior and Equilibrium Price Level in Construction Market, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,Vol.133, No.6, 409-416. (SCI, EI)


Perng, Y.H., Hsueh, S.L., Yan, M.R., Lee, J.R.,2007, On-Line Multi-Criterion Risk Assessment Model of Construction Joint Ventures in China, Automation in Construction, Vol.16, No.5, 607-619.(SCI, EI)


Lo,W., Lin, C.L., Yan, M.R, 2006, Effects of Contractor's Opportunistic Bidding on the Price Level in Public Construction Market, Journal of Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,Vol.18, No.4, 336-348.(EI) 


Perng, Y.H., Hsueh, S.L., Yan, M.R., 2005, Evaluation of Housing Construction Strategies in China Using Fuzzy-Logic System, International Journal of Strategic Property Management(IJSPM), Vol. 9, No. 4, 215-232. (SSCI)


